
Element Access


template<typename T>
template<typename U> requires cp::ConvertibleTo<T,U>
std::vector<T> Graph<T>::successors(U u) const noexcept;

Given a graph \(G(V,E)\), returns all the outgoing directed edges of a vertex \(v\). The successors of vertex 2 are depicted below.

graph TD;
	1 --> 5;
	1 --> 4;
	2 --> 5;
	2 --> 4;
	4 --> 7;
	5 --> 7;
  linkStyle 2,3 stroke:#33f,color:blue;


template<typename T>
template<typename U> requires cp::ConvertibleTo<T,U>
std::vector<T> Graph<T>::predecessors(U u) const noexcept;

Given a graph \(G(V,E)\), returns all the incomming directed edges of a vertex \(v\). The predecessors of vertex 7 are depicted below.

graph TD;
	1 --> 5;
	1 --> 4;
	2 --> 5;
	2 --> 4;
	3 --> 5;
	3 --> 6;
	4 --> 7;
	5 --> 7;
	6 --> 8;
	7 --> 9;
	8 --> 9;
  linkStyle 6,7 stroke:#33f,color:blue;


template<typename T>
template<typename U> requires cp::ConvertibleTo<T,U>
bool Graph<T>::adjacent(U&& u1, U&& u2) const noexcept;

A vertex \(v\) is adjacent to \(u\) if it there is an edge from \(v\) to \(u\), this method returns whether two vertices are adjacent. In the example below 7 and 9 are the adjacent.

graph TD;
	1 --> 5;
	1 --> 4;
	2 --> 5;
	2 --> 4;
	3 --> 5;
	3 --> 6;
	4 --> 7;
	5 --> 7;
	6 --> 8;
	7 --> 9;
	8 --> 9;
	9 --> 10;
  linkStyle 9 stroke:#33f,color:blue;


template<typename T>
template<typename U> requires cp::ConvertibleTo<T,U>
std::vector<T> Graph<T>::neighbors(U&& u) const noexcept;

Returns all the predecessors and successors of a vertex \(v\). In the example below, the result of a function call to vertex 5 is demonstrated.

graph TD;
	1 --> 5;
	1 --> 4;
	2 --> 5;
	2 --> 4;
	3 --> 5;
	3 --> 6;
	4 --> 7;
	5 --> 7;
	6 --> 8;
	7 --> 9;
	8 --> 9;
	9 --> 10;
  linkStyle 0,2,4,7 stroke:#33f,color:blue;


Vertices<T>& data() noexcept;

Returns the underlying data structure.


Vertices Count

std::size_t vertices_count() const noexcept;

Returns the number of vertices of the graph.

Edges Count

std::size_t edges_count() const noexcept;

Returns the number of edges of the graph.



template<typename T>
template<typename... U> requires cp::IsPairsOf<T,U...>
void Graph<T>::emplace(U&&... u) noexcept;

Inserts a number of edges \(uv\) in a graph \(G\). This method takes a variable number of arguments, those which are pairs of the base type, consider the graph:

graph TD;
	1 --> 4;
	2 --> 5;
	2 --> 4;
	3 --> 5;

A call to emplace((1,5),(4,7),(5,7)), yields a novel vertex 7, adjacent to 4 and 5, and makes vertex 1 adjacent to 5.

graph TD;
	1 --> 5;
	1 --> 4;
	2 --> 5;
	2 --> 4;
	3 --> 5;
	4 --> 7;
	5 --> 7;
  linkStyle 0,5,6 stroke:#33f,color:blue;


template<typename T>
template<typename U> requires cp::IsPairOf<T,U>
void Graph<T>::erase(U&& u) noexcept;

Removes edges from a graph \(G\) and orphan vertices, consider the graph below:

graph TD;
	1 --> 4;
	2 --> 5;
	2 --> 4;
	3 --> 5;

A call to erase(3,5) removes the edge 3->5, and removes vertex 3 since it is not adjacent to any other vertex.

graph TD;
	1 --> 4;
	2 --> 5;
	2 --> 4;



Assigment copy operator, replaces the graph in the lhs with the contents of the rhs.

template<cp::Arithmetic T>
Graph<T> Graph<T>::operator=(Graph<T> const& rhs)


g1 = g2;

Assigment move operator, moves the graph from the rhs to the lhs.

template<cp::Arithmetic T>
Graph<T> Graph<T>::operator=(Graph<T>&& rhs)


g1 = std::move(g2);